iPads and Floors

I have been dragging D to so much church. She loves it though, and much prefers to be on the go rather than sitting in our boring house. She has friends there, people to love on her, and this amazing sense of family. I also think its partially because I don’t often let her watch tv or play on the iPad at home.  I know, I’m a horrible mom.  But, I would rather she go out and play, read, do homework, play with Finn, or do something constructive rather than watch tv.  And I need to save the joys of the iPad for when I drag her out to boring meetings so I can keep her entertained.  Ok, it might be slightly manipulative, but whatever works.

We were at Hose House Friday night and she was having a great time playing with her friends. She was also carrying around the iPad everywhere with her. Towards the end of the night, another kid brings me my shattered iPad saying that D dropped it.  It was an older iPad and if you know me, I don’t actually care that much about stuff like that, but I knew there was a lesson here.  A lesson about honesty, accountability, and taking care of things well.  My friend Crysta tried to coach me on parenting and give me some encouragement. So, I got in the car and asked D, “Do you have anything you want to tell me?” “No.”  “Do you have anything you want to apologize for?” “No.” “Do you think that if you break something of someone’s, even by accident, you should apologize?” “Yes.” “Do you have anything you want to apologize for?” “No.”  Hmmm.  I said, “If you decide you have something to apologize for, then come tell me.” We finished the drive home without talking and went to bed in silence.  Not because I was mad, but because I had no idea of my next move!  This parenting stuff is way hard! And kids really are dumb sometimes.

After she went to bed that night, I wrestled with what to do. I can’t just let this go, though there is a natural punishment of no iPad.  Sadly, that is really more of a punishment for me!  I thought and thought, texted Crysta some more, and then just told Jesus he better figure this out.

The next morning, I slept in late because I just didn’t want to deal. And I have also taught her that when she wakes up on Saturday mornings, she should go make her own bowl of cereal and find something to do.  I call that winning at parenting.  When I finally saw her I said “Do you have anything you want to tell me?”  “Yes, I am sorry I broke the iPad.”   Oh thank goodness, because I still didn’t have a next move.

Seconds later, I get a text from my friend, Daniella, asking me to call her because she thought God gave her a dream for me and D last night. I know that might sound weird, but God gives her the craziest dreams that tend to actually become reality or have a lot of wisdom. I nervously called her and she shared this dream. imageszs2snqcp

She saw me laying a wood floor in my house. But, I had to actually create the interlocking grooves in the wood and try to fit the pieces together.  It was taking me so long, and I really didn’t know what I was doing.  As hard as I tried to lay this floor, I just couldn’t fit the pieces together.  Then a carpenter showed up to help me.  He easily and quickly cut the grooves, and was able to easily fit all the pieces in place.

Well played, Jesus. Well played.

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